Avoid smoking or vaping tobacco or cannabis inside or within 20 feet of any apartment or condo buildings including decks, porches, patios and balconies. Need a smoke-free policy reminder for apartment tenants or condo residents? Scroll all the way down and click the links below! 



Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing Facts
Check out this summary of scientific criteria used by local city councils to enact smoke-free multi-family or multi-unit housing ordinances.
Smoke_ Free Marin Coalition Multi-Unit H[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [639.5 KB]
Sample Smoke-free Condo Policy for Property Managers, HOA and residents
Sample Condominium Policy Amendment.docx
Microsoft Word document [15.9 KB]
Smoke-Free Policy Enforcement Guide for Property Managers
Smoke-Free Policy Enforcement -Tips for [...]
Microsoft Word document [80.1 KB]

Where Property Managers or Landlords can purchase Smoke-Free Signs

Home Depot: Here

Amazon: Here

Compliance Signs Website: Here

Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing Resources

Model Lease Addendum to Convert Smoking Unit to Nonsmoking Apartment or Condo
ANR_model-smokefree-lease-addendum (1).p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [65.8 KB]

Check out our new one- minute Public Service Announcement broadcast on local television stations, clarifying where you are protected from tobacco and marijuana smoke and electronic smoking device aerosols and fires:  https://vimeo.com/266765945

Be aware of Thirdhand Smoke as it is harmful residue left behind from someone smoking. 


Information on smoke-free multi-family housing (apartments, condos and townhouses)...

Keep track of our most recent activity in fashion industry.

For decision makes on smoke-free outdoor and multi-unit housing policies, visit:  http://no-smoke.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/smokefreemuh.pdf



Prevent Smoking Related Fires in Apartments and Condos! 

All jurisdictions are 100% smoke-free.

Including Cannabis Smoke (not permitted)

For Apartment Managers and Tenants:


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