Understanding quit smoking resources covered by your insurance.
Please visit the links below if you would like to read more about the available treatment options.
For more information on treatment options available under different insurances, visit here.
For more information on FDA-approved products to help quit smoking, visit here.
For more information on California coverage plans, visit here.
For FREE online counseling and to start your quit journey visit KickItCA.org
Tambien tienen recursos en español aquí.
You have come to the right place; we are here to help! Scroll down for statewide free resources in California, followed by local Marin-based options and national web and text resources. Here is all you will need to quit smoking or vaping. Everything listed here is free of charge. You have nothing to lose, so check it out!
Local (Marin based) Smoking Cessation Resources
Hypnotherapy: Andrew Radar, Freedom From Smokes
Email: AndrewRadar.a.a@gmail.com
Phone (415) 488-0201 https://www.freedomfromsmokes.com/
Local Classes: Kaiser-Permanente Smoking Cessation Resources https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/northern-california/sanrafael/health-resources-2/health-education-programs-and-classes/ (Members only) Call 415-491-6550, para Espanol llame 415-491-6555 for Classes in San Rafael and Novato.
Chinese Medicine: Stephanie Lum, Licensed Respiratory Therapist and Chinese Medicine Physician in San Rafael
Email: LotusCenterOriental@gmail.com
Phone # 415-459-2245 Web: https://lotuscenteroriental.com/
National Web-based and Text Support
This is Quitting: https://truthinitiative.org/thisisquitting
CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/quit-smoking/
(Excellent "how to" user friendly guide)
Become an Ex: https://www.becomeanex.org/
Nicotine Anonymous: https://www.nicotine-anonymous.org/